Your assignment is due by 3:00 pm, on Friday, April 15, 2011. You will turn in a digital folder that contains three separate items:
1. A Word document with your original notes and research.
2. A Microsoft Publisher document (which can be a flyer, a brochure, a postcard, etc.)
3. A Word document that contains your report.
Your travel report needs to contain the following information:
~Where you're going on the trip and who is going with you. Also include a detailed explanation of why you chose to go where you're going and why you chose to bring who you are bringing.
~A calendar for each of the seven days outlining what you'll do each day. Be as specific as possible.
~A budget outlining your expenses including (but not limited to) airfare/carfare/train fare, etc., spending money, food money, hotel expenses, car rental, etc.